Saturday, June 13, 2015

Taran Tactical basepads in SJC magwell

So ive been shooting limited for a few months in local matches and have made some changes to my M&P40 Pro series. At first it was just springs and a tungsten guide rod, then a set of Taran Tactical base pads (which i love by the way. No screws or sharp edges!). I finally broke down this week and added an SJC magwell to the mix, which led me to a discovery.

The TT basepads dont fall free.

The rounded lip on the back of the pad fits so tightly it has to be removed with the weak hand.

Yes i know SJC recommends Areddondo base pads in this magwell. Im not made of money, and so i needed to make it work with what i have. Fortunately i have no compulsion about taking a file to... well, just about anything.

Filed down the rounded edge and everything works fine. Take just a hair extra to leave room for refinishing, but don't cut all the way through. Take a little at a time and recheck the fit and function

Been a while

So obviously this hasnt been updated in a bit. New house new job new state, long story short guns have not been the forefront of my mind until now. That being said, looking like its time to start sorting out some 9mm major loads, in addition to a foray into limited (work and $$$ permitting).